Gardening Services & Maintenance for Commercial Properties

- Outdoor site maintenance – cleaning and care of gardens and grounds .
- Industrial Vacuuming – footpaths, pathways and car parks.
- Nursing Home speciality – personalised touch for agedcare & retirement village residents.
- Tower Gardens & Vertical Gardens – specialist in the new concept rooftop gardens & vertical gardens.
- Lawn care and maintenance – mowing, ride-on-mowing, fertilising, weed control, disposal of lawn clippings, edging.
- Tree maintenance – pruning, lifting, dead wooding up to 2m from ground level, correct arboricultural care, fertilising, aesthetics.
- Pruning – maintenance of correct plant structure, safety and accessibility, hedging, improved floral display and plant vigour.
- Pot and Container Maintenance – care of outdoor & indoor pots & containers.
- Waterwise Tips and Gardening – drought-tolerant plants & lawns, grey water irrigation system, rainwater tanks, pebble mulching.
- Mulching – mulch levels maintained to reduce weed growth and moisture loss, supply and spread of a variety of mulch.
- Pest and Disease Control – identification of poor plant health. Pesticides use in accordance with the Victorian Pesticide Legislation.
- Irrigation Systems – maintain operation of existing system, repairs and modifications, installation of new systems, rain water tanks.
- Fertilising – eco-friendly fertilisers eg Dynamic Lifter, Seasol nitrogenous fertilisers eg Agriform, Osmocote, Magamp K.
- Plant Advice and Supply – design, plant selection, soil condition, type of irrigation, drought-tolerant lawn, synthetic grass.
- Plant Replacement – dead or diseased plant material replaced if required.
- Gutter Cleaning – unclog your gutters.
- Rubbish Removal – lawn clippings, prunings, gutter debris, litter.